Sunday 5th January BEFORE OTHERS
MORNING Joshua 10:1-13
Welcome to the first Sunday of 2025! Hopefully, you will join other believers in a Christian assembly to worship the living God and not just online. In the battle of Gibeon, though a great city (v2), they – in “human wisdom” – made peace with Israel, to the consternation of the neighbouring cities. Five kings and all their armies were against Joshua and Israel. There is much to contend with in today's world – the economy, security situation, corruption etc, all around. Joshua heard from God in v8. Men who discipline themselves to know God's mind enjoy constant victories and make the maximum impact on earth. But our emphasis today is that Joshua spoke to God before others (v12). Declare what you believe, expect, trust God for in faith this year and you will experience His hand more
than ever.
EVENING John 11:39-44
“If you believe, you will see the glory of God” (v40). These words came from the lips of our Lord Jesus Christ at the tomb of Lazarus a four-day old corpse. Then He prayed and spoke before others (v42). Christianity may be personal, but it is not private. Get involved deliberately with other serious Christians. Study together, pray together, learn together and see God at work together, in Jesus' Name. Are there some of your Church's avenues that you have been neglecting?
Memory Verse: Hebrews 10:25
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 17 - 20
Monday 6th January SHARRAP CONDUCT!
MORNING 1 Peter 2:9-17
Today begins the first full working week in this new year. What is sharrap (shut up) conduct? As we read in v15, it is the will of God that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. This, no doubt, means the foolish accusations against you of those who are ignorant of God's ways. In other words, there is a way for a Christian to conduct himself honourably, that people won't find what to say, even if they wanted to. So, from today, start getting to work on time, put in a full day of work daily, no gisting away the time, no sharing of “envelopes” with others etc. In short, behave like a Christian at work, because you are!
EVENING Daniel 6:1-6
Daniel was one of the few people against whom the Bible doesn't record any negative thing! Have you always hidden under the excuse, “we are all human, no one is perfect”? Well, Daniel was human too! By his conduct, he got to the top in a foreign land. His colleagues conspired against him, but God showed up for him. If you are familiar with the story, they couldn't find anything to say against him to the king, but tried to corner him indirectly, to destroy an innocent believer. So, live a sharrap life from today, and see God at work.
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 21 -23
Tuesday 7th January COMPLAIN OR PRAY...
MORNING Exodus 15:18-27
After Old Testament Israel passed through the Red Sea, which God supernaturally divided, Mariam led the women to sing God's praises. But soon after the victory, there was another challenge – three days without water! Real people, like us, in a real life, also like us. In v24, the people complained against Moses, but in v25, Moses cried to the Lord (or prayed). So, in situations of life, you can complain or you can pray. When he prayed, God showed him a tree (a type of the Cross of Calvary). Then the water was made sweet. In Jesus' Name, every bitter situation around you becomes sweet. But learn this, you either complain or pray. Which do you think will bring a solution? All the best...
EVENING Philippians 4:4-8
In the morning, we read that Israel complained but Moses prayed. You can either complain or pray, you are not likely to do both successfully! In v6 this evening, we read that anything worth being anxious about (which leads to complaints) is worth praying about (which leads to solution). Did you notice in v7 that peace follows when you take it to God? So, whether it is your marriage, health or finance, rather than complain, pray. Then allow God and enjoy peace in Jesus' Name.
Memory Verse: Philippians 4:6
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 24 - 26
Wednesday 8thJanuary REMEMBERING
MORNING Colossians 4:7-18
To remember is to bring to mind or think of again. In our text this morning, Paul concluded his letter to the Colossian Christians in his own handwriting, as was his practice (he usually dictated his letters through others, then ended them himself). Then he wrote “remember my chains”. It is known that he wrote this Epistle from a Roman prison. Do you ever remember to pray for persecuted Christians? Apart from those in nations like Northern Korea, Afghanistan etc, even in Northern Nigeria, there are those going through extreme persecution! If God says we should pray about it, it means that our prayers make a difference. So, from today, remember their chains. Kindly do it daily.
Memory Verse: Hebrews 13:3
EVENING Jeremiah 38:8-13
There are different types and degrees of persecution, ranging from insults to arrest, imprisonment, beating, torture or even death! Thank God if you are not suffering extreme persecution. But bear in mind that everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted (2 Tim.3:12). Many Old Testament Prophets were persecuted, simply because they were God's spokesmen. For instance, they seemed to want to kill Jeremiah by starvation! Were it not for Ebedmelech, who acted, his fate was sealed. As we daily remember persecuted Christians in prayers, God will raise Ebedmelechs to make life easier for them. If roles were reversed, wouldn't you want people to be praying for you?
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 27-29
Thursday 9thJanuary GOD AT HOME
MORNING 2 Samuel 6:12-23
King David of Old Testament Israel wasn't ashamed to express his gratitude to, and worship of, God openly. He was a poet, song composer, warrior and king, amongst others. He was definitely a man of many parts, the favourite king of Israel... After joyously bringing the ark, (the symbol of God's presence to Jerusalem), he returned home to a critical wife, Michal, who seemed to want to rub in their class difference. David made clear that in worshiping and serving God, no one is an issue! It seemed like only a domestic matter, but the end of the story reveals that God was both Witness and Judge of it. Will you be conscious of God at home from today? It will affect how you speak to your spouse, children, parents, etc.
Meditation: Mal.2:14
EVENING John 14:15-18
Actually, God is everywhere. That is the meaning of Omnipresent. On His last night before He went to the Cross, Jesus, in part, was telling the disciples about the ministry of the Holy Spirit. He referred to Him as Helper (NKJV). He will abide with them forever, He said, dwell with and be in them. Believers today are living in the reality of it. We have the help of God from within, at home, at work, in Church and everywhere else. Many are saints in Church on Sunday, but devils at home on the other days of the week! A Christian should think like, talk like and act like a Christian everywhere and every time. Be more conscious of the Holy Spirit within, and it will be natural. Amen.
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 30-32
Friday 10th January OF CELEBRATIONS...
MORNING Luke 15:17-27
God is not against celebrations! Some think that a Christian should be sour and dour, never smiling, wearing a frown always, because “souls are perishing”... When the prodigal son came to himself, he returned home to his father (who represents God in the story). His father welcomed him back by throwing a party! So, celebrations that are sensible, where God is glorified, people are decently dressed (“best robe”) etc, are okay by God. Did you also notice ring, sandals etc? So, can God be against jewellery or wearing of shoes to a Church service? Many are just so religious, instead of reading the Bible for themselves! There were many feasts in Old Testament Israel. Folks, we can enjoy serving God! Hallelujah! Happy weekend...
EVENING 2 Samuel 6:16-19
Our text this evening is part of our reading from yesterday morning. But our emphasis now is that in v19, David “washed” the special occasion by distributing to both males and females, bread, meat, and cakes. Again, we can enjoy serving God, but not with alcoholic beverages, gluttony or dressing “to kill”. God made us with emotions and to truly enjoy life, they are to be expressed within the context of the Bible. The balance isn't difficult, if we yield to the Holy Spirit.
Meditation: 1 Timothy 6:17
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 33-35
Saturday 11th January SLEEPING AND RESTING
MORNING Matthew 26:36-46
This being a Saturday, hopefully, you will have some more time with your family, for rest and recreation. In our text today, when Jesus went to pray in the garden of Gethsemane, He was carrying so much burden that others were oblivious of. Apparently, the garden had been a habitual place of relaxation for Him, so Judas knew the place. In v45, He asked His disciples “are you still sleeping and resting?” Has it ever occurred to you that one may rest without sleeping or vice versa? They are not necessarily the same! Your life will be more productive, if you learn to both rest and sleep. Amen.
EVENING Isaiah 28:11-13
Prophet Isaiah of Old Testament Israel seemed to be linking speaking in other tongues with rest and refreshing! Also, with God's Word, precept upon precept, line upon line, (or in an organised way), here a little, there a little (v13). Anyone who has been a serious Christian for a while, who regularly prays in other tongues and has a consistent organised way of studying the Bible would have realized that this is truly so. Start the habit from today, if not yet. Enjoy refreshing by God's Spirit and be more effective, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 36-38
Sunday 12th January GOD’S “FOOD”!
MORNING Numbers 28:1-10
Does God eat? In Ps.50:12, He said, “if I were hungry, I would not tell you: for the world is Mine, and its fullness”. However, in v2 of our text this morning we read that God's “food” is what we offer that gives Him pleasure. The NLT version renders it “the offerings you present as special gifts are a pleasing aroma to me, they are my food”. If God truly matters to you, would you deny Him what He desires and demands? So, join other believers in heartfelt worship today, and physically always, when you are not indisposed. You can't but be blessed for it.
Meditation: Genesis 27:4
EVENING Ephesians 5:17-21
Really, it is not just worship, but anything a believer can offer to God that gives Him pleasure, can be seen as food. Like walking in obedience, holiness, faith, prayerfulness etc. All those, according to Scriptures, give God pleasure. But again, our emphasis today is on worship. In v17, we read that it is the will of God. Then in vv19-21, we saw psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, singing, heart melody, gratitude and submission to one another. Really, God isn't difficult to serve, as He has not left us to imagine what pleases Him, unlike some difficult spouses or parents. And neither does He “shift the goal post” in the middle of the game.
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 39-41
Monday 13th January BEYOND YOUR LABOUR
MORNING Joshua 24:2-13
As a new working week begins today, let us focus a bit on labour. Labour speaks of efforts, especially when difficult or compulsory. Without workers labour, a nation is going nowhere! How hardworking are you? In our text this morning, at Joshua's valedictory, while recounting God's faithfulness to Old Testament Israel, he quoted God saying He gave them land for which they did not labour, cities they did not build and vineyards and olive groves which they did not plant. In other words, they were enjoying, by God, what was beyond their labour! That is still like God, up till today. As you prepare for hard work this week and henceforth, expect beyond-labour-blessings.
EVENING Ephesians 3:17-21
How was work today? In v20 of our text this evening, we read that God has the ability to top our faith, to outdo even our desires and prayers. Hallelujah! But multiplying zero by a million is still zero. Don't be in the league of lazy Christians. It is instructive that 1 Tim.5:17 encourages “especially those who labour in word and doctrine” should be well remunerated as Christian leaders. So, work hard, work smart, then trust God to grant you – as His nature is – beyond-labour-blessings, in Jesus' Name. All the best...
Memory Verse: 2 Thessalonians 3:10
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 42-45
Tuesday 14th January A RIGHT STEP
MORNING Jonah 1:5-16
All some people know about Jonah is that he was asleep! And it was in a storm he was indirectly responsible for, for that matter. We want to learn from his story today, that though they didn't want to throw him into the sea as he requested, when they eventually did, the sea ceased from its raging! (v15). So, a right step need not take so long before you see results. If you have been a Christian for a while, you would know that already. God does not require you to read the Bible, pray, give, attend services etc, for five years, to test you, before the blessings begin. Right steps lead to right results. Glory!
Meditation: Haggai 2:18-19
EVENING Romans 15:22-29
Apostle Paul was planning a visit to Rome, the then centre of world civilization. In v29, he wrote that he knew (not guessed or suspected, but knew for certain) that he would go with the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel of Christ. So, there is a fullness of the blessings of the Gospel of Christ! Are you enjoying it? All of it? If there is a fullness of it, then there must be degrees of it. When you take right steps, you enter in deeper. So, one can be more blessed, more committed, more conscious of God's hand, etc. Go for it, in Jesus' Name.
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 46-47
Wednesday, 15th January THE NIGERIAN NATION
MORNING Deuteronomy 28:38-50
We should thank God that Nigeria is no longer under military rule. Nigeria had her first coup-de-tat on 15th January, 1966. Unfortunately, politicians haven't taken us to the “Promised Land” either! In our text this morning, reading from some of the consequences of disobedience to God, we read in v50 about a nation that would conquer God's people, that would show no respect to the elderly or favour the youth. What retired people go through, to feed – after all their years of labour, and young people not having a fair share, japaing daily, should be of concern to anyone who loves our nation. Did you notice in v43 indirectly that ideally, you do best in your own country? So, let us make a fresh commitment of praying daily for our nation. But also to contributing our personal quota to making Nigeria great again. Amen.
EVENING 1 Timothy 2:1-5
As long as there is no Christian market where food is subsidized or shoes are given out at half price, what affects us generally affects each, though to different degrees. It would be best if every Nigeria can feed well, sleep with both eyes closed, and maximise their potentials. It will come about with partnership. As we read in v2, we are to pray for those in authority. And it is good to go for electoral offices for born-again Christians. Then the leaders need to wake up, but also every citizen to do his or her necessary part.
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 48-50
MORNING Joshua 10:1-13
Welcome to the first Sunday of 2025! Hopefully, you will join other believers in a Christian assembly to worship the living God and not just online. In the battle of Gibeon, though a great city (v2), they – in “human wisdom” – made peace with Israel, to the consternation of the neighbouring cities. Five kings and all their armies were against Joshua and Israel. There is much to contend with in today's world – the economy, security situation, corruption etc, all around. Joshua heard from God in v8. Men who discipline themselves to know God's mind enjoy constant victories and make the maximum impact on earth. But our emphasis today is that Joshua spoke to God before others (v12). Declare what you believe, expect, trust God for in faith this year and you will experience His hand more
than ever.
EVENING John 11:39-44
“If you believe, you will see the glory of God” (v40). These words came from the lips of our Lord Jesus Christ at the tomb of Lazarus a four-day old corpse. Then He prayed and spoke before others (v42). Christianity may be personal, but it is not private. Get involved deliberately with other serious Christians. Study together, pray together, learn together and see God at work together, in Jesus' Name. Are there some of your Church's avenues that you have been neglecting?
Memory Verse: Hebrews 10:25
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 17 - 20
Monday 6th January SHARRAP CONDUCT!
MORNING 1 Peter 2:9-17
Today begins the first full working week in this new year. What is sharrap (shut up) conduct? As we read in v15, it is the will of God that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. This, no doubt, means the foolish accusations against you of those who are ignorant of God's ways. In other words, there is a way for a Christian to conduct himself honourably, that people won't find what to say, even if they wanted to. So, from today, start getting to work on time, put in a full day of work daily, no gisting away the time, no sharing of “envelopes” with others etc. In short, behave like a Christian at work, because you are!
EVENING Daniel 6:1-6
Daniel was one of the few people against whom the Bible doesn't record any negative thing! Have you always hidden under the excuse, “we are all human, no one is perfect”? Well, Daniel was human too! By his conduct, he got to the top in a foreign land. His colleagues conspired against him, but God showed up for him. If you are familiar with the story, they couldn't find anything to say against him to the king, but tried to corner him indirectly, to destroy an innocent believer. So, live a sharrap life from today, and see God at work.
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 21 -23
Tuesday 7th January COMPLAIN OR PRAY...
MORNING Exodus 15:18-27
After Old Testament Israel passed through the Red Sea, which God supernaturally divided, Mariam led the women to sing God's praises. But soon after the victory, there was another challenge – three days without water! Real people, like us, in a real life, also like us. In v24, the people complained against Moses, but in v25, Moses cried to the Lord (or prayed). So, in situations of life, you can complain or you can pray. When he prayed, God showed him a tree (a type of the Cross of Calvary). Then the water was made sweet. In Jesus' Name, every bitter situation around you becomes sweet. But learn this, you either complain or pray. Which do you think will bring a solution? All the best...
EVENING Philippians 4:4-8
In the morning, we read that Israel complained but Moses prayed. You can either complain or pray, you are not likely to do both successfully! In v6 this evening, we read that anything worth being anxious about (which leads to complaints) is worth praying about (which leads to solution). Did you notice in v7 that peace follows when you take it to God? So, whether it is your marriage, health or finance, rather than complain, pray. Then allow God and enjoy peace in Jesus' Name.
Memory Verse: Philippians 4:6
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 24 - 26
Wednesday 8thJanuary REMEMBERING
MORNING Colossians 4:7-18
To remember is to bring to mind or think of again. In our text this morning, Paul concluded his letter to the Colossian Christians in his own handwriting, as was his practice (he usually dictated his letters through others, then ended them himself). Then he wrote “remember my chains”. It is known that he wrote this Epistle from a Roman prison. Do you ever remember to pray for persecuted Christians? Apart from those in nations like Northern Korea, Afghanistan etc, even in Northern Nigeria, there are those going through extreme persecution! If God says we should pray about it, it means that our prayers make a difference. So, from today, remember their chains. Kindly do it daily.
Memory Verse: Hebrews 13:3
EVENING Jeremiah 38:8-13
There are different types and degrees of persecution, ranging from insults to arrest, imprisonment, beating, torture or even death! Thank God if you are not suffering extreme persecution. But bear in mind that everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted (2 Tim.3:12). Many Old Testament Prophets were persecuted, simply because they were God's spokesmen. For instance, they seemed to want to kill Jeremiah by starvation! Were it not for Ebedmelech, who acted, his fate was sealed. As we daily remember persecuted Christians in prayers, God will raise Ebedmelechs to make life easier for them. If roles were reversed, wouldn't you want people to be praying for you?
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 27-29
Thursday 9thJanuary GOD AT HOME
MORNING 2 Samuel 6:12-23
King David of Old Testament Israel wasn't ashamed to express his gratitude to, and worship of, God openly. He was a poet, song composer, warrior and king, amongst others. He was definitely a man of many parts, the favourite king of Israel... After joyously bringing the ark, (the symbol of God's presence to Jerusalem), he returned home to a critical wife, Michal, who seemed to want to rub in their class difference. David made clear that in worshiping and serving God, no one is an issue! It seemed like only a domestic matter, but the end of the story reveals that God was both Witness and Judge of it. Will you be conscious of God at home from today? It will affect how you speak to your spouse, children, parents, etc.
Meditation: Mal.2:14
EVENING John 14:15-18
Actually, God is everywhere. That is the meaning of Omnipresent. On His last night before He went to the Cross, Jesus, in part, was telling the disciples about the ministry of the Holy Spirit. He referred to Him as Helper (NKJV). He will abide with them forever, He said, dwell with and be in them. Believers today are living in the reality of it. We have the help of God from within, at home, at work, in Church and everywhere else. Many are saints in Church on Sunday, but devils at home on the other days of the week! A Christian should think like, talk like and act like a Christian everywhere and every time. Be more conscious of the Holy Spirit within, and it will be natural. Amen.
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 30-32
Friday 10th January OF CELEBRATIONS...
MORNING Luke 15:17-27
God is not against celebrations! Some think that a Christian should be sour and dour, never smiling, wearing a frown always, because “souls are perishing”... When the prodigal son came to himself, he returned home to his father (who represents God in the story). His father welcomed him back by throwing a party! So, celebrations that are sensible, where God is glorified, people are decently dressed (“best robe”) etc, are okay by God. Did you also notice ring, sandals etc? So, can God be against jewellery or wearing of shoes to a Church service? Many are just so religious, instead of reading the Bible for themselves! There were many feasts in Old Testament Israel. Folks, we can enjoy serving God! Hallelujah! Happy weekend...
EVENING 2 Samuel 6:16-19
Our text this evening is part of our reading from yesterday morning. But our emphasis now is that in v19, David “washed” the special occasion by distributing to both males and females, bread, meat, and cakes. Again, we can enjoy serving God, but not with alcoholic beverages, gluttony or dressing “to kill”. God made us with emotions and to truly enjoy life, they are to be expressed within the context of the Bible. The balance isn't difficult, if we yield to the Holy Spirit.
Meditation: 1 Timothy 6:17
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 33-35
Saturday 11th January SLEEPING AND RESTING
MORNING Matthew 26:36-46
This being a Saturday, hopefully, you will have some more time with your family, for rest and recreation. In our text today, when Jesus went to pray in the garden of Gethsemane, He was carrying so much burden that others were oblivious of. Apparently, the garden had been a habitual place of relaxation for Him, so Judas knew the place. In v45, He asked His disciples “are you still sleeping and resting?” Has it ever occurred to you that one may rest without sleeping or vice versa? They are not necessarily the same! Your life will be more productive, if you learn to both rest and sleep. Amen.
EVENING Isaiah 28:11-13
Prophet Isaiah of Old Testament Israel seemed to be linking speaking in other tongues with rest and refreshing! Also, with God's Word, precept upon precept, line upon line, (or in an organised way), here a little, there a little (v13). Anyone who has been a serious Christian for a while, who regularly prays in other tongues and has a consistent organised way of studying the Bible would have realized that this is truly so. Start the habit from today, if not yet. Enjoy refreshing by God's Spirit and be more effective, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 36-38
Sunday 12th January GOD’S “FOOD”!
MORNING Numbers 28:1-10
Does God eat? In Ps.50:12, He said, “if I were hungry, I would not tell you: for the world is Mine, and its fullness”. However, in v2 of our text this morning we read that God's “food” is what we offer that gives Him pleasure. The NLT version renders it “the offerings you present as special gifts are a pleasing aroma to me, they are my food”. If God truly matters to you, would you deny Him what He desires and demands? So, join other believers in heartfelt worship today, and physically always, when you are not indisposed. You can't but be blessed for it.
Meditation: Genesis 27:4
EVENING Ephesians 5:17-21
Really, it is not just worship, but anything a believer can offer to God that gives Him pleasure, can be seen as food. Like walking in obedience, holiness, faith, prayerfulness etc. All those, according to Scriptures, give God pleasure. But again, our emphasis today is on worship. In v17, we read that it is the will of God. Then in vv19-21, we saw psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, singing, heart melody, gratitude and submission to one another. Really, God isn't difficult to serve, as He has not left us to imagine what pleases Him, unlike some difficult spouses or parents. And neither does He “shift the goal post” in the middle of the game.
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 39-41
Monday 13th January BEYOND YOUR LABOUR
MORNING Joshua 24:2-13
As a new working week begins today, let us focus a bit on labour. Labour speaks of efforts, especially when difficult or compulsory. Without workers labour, a nation is going nowhere! How hardworking are you? In our text this morning, at Joshua's valedictory, while recounting God's faithfulness to Old Testament Israel, he quoted God saying He gave them land for which they did not labour, cities they did not build and vineyards and olive groves which they did not plant. In other words, they were enjoying, by God, what was beyond their labour! That is still like God, up till today. As you prepare for hard work this week and henceforth, expect beyond-labour-blessings.
EVENING Ephesians 3:17-21
How was work today? In v20 of our text this evening, we read that God has the ability to top our faith, to outdo even our desires and prayers. Hallelujah! But multiplying zero by a million is still zero. Don't be in the league of lazy Christians. It is instructive that 1 Tim.5:17 encourages “especially those who labour in word and doctrine” should be well remunerated as Christian leaders. So, work hard, work smart, then trust God to grant you – as His nature is – beyond-labour-blessings, in Jesus' Name. All the best...
Memory Verse: 2 Thessalonians 3:10
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 42-45
Tuesday 14th January A RIGHT STEP
MORNING Jonah 1:5-16
All some people know about Jonah is that he was asleep! And it was in a storm he was indirectly responsible for, for that matter. We want to learn from his story today, that though they didn't want to throw him into the sea as he requested, when they eventually did, the sea ceased from its raging! (v15). So, a right step need not take so long before you see results. If you have been a Christian for a while, you would know that already. God does not require you to read the Bible, pray, give, attend services etc, for five years, to test you, before the blessings begin. Right steps lead to right results. Glory!
Meditation: Haggai 2:18-19
EVENING Romans 15:22-29
Apostle Paul was planning a visit to Rome, the then centre of world civilization. In v29, he wrote that he knew (not guessed or suspected, but knew for certain) that he would go with the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel of Christ. So, there is a fullness of the blessings of the Gospel of Christ! Are you enjoying it? All of it? If there is a fullness of it, then there must be degrees of it. When you take right steps, you enter in deeper. So, one can be more blessed, more committed, more conscious of God's hand, etc. Go for it, in Jesus' Name.
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 46-47
Wednesday, 15th January THE NIGERIAN NATION
MORNING Deuteronomy 28:38-50
We should thank God that Nigeria is no longer under military rule. Nigeria had her first coup-de-tat on 15th January, 1966. Unfortunately, politicians haven't taken us to the “Promised Land” either! In our text this morning, reading from some of the consequences of disobedience to God, we read in v50 about a nation that would conquer God's people, that would show no respect to the elderly or favour the youth. What retired people go through, to feed – after all their years of labour, and young people not having a fair share, japaing daily, should be of concern to anyone who loves our nation. Did you notice in v43 indirectly that ideally, you do best in your own country? So, let us make a fresh commitment of praying daily for our nation. But also to contributing our personal quota to making Nigeria great again. Amen.
EVENING 1 Timothy 2:1-5
As long as there is no Christian market where food is subsidized or shoes are given out at half price, what affects us generally affects each, though to different degrees. It would be best if every Nigeria can feed well, sleep with both eyes closed, and maximise their potentials. It will come about with partnership. As we read in v2, we are to pray for those in authority. And it is good to go for electoral offices for born-again Christians. Then the leaders need to wake up, but also every citizen to do his or her necessary part.
To Study Through The Bible This Year, Study Today Genesis 48-50